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    Thursday, January 16, 2020

    EarthBound / MOTHER The little prick and the Cosmic Horror (OC)

    EarthBound / MOTHER The little prick and the Cosmic Horror (OC)

    The little prick and the Cosmic Horror (OC)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 04:47 AM PST

    Twenty-five years ago, this was my first RPG and remains a favorite. Now I am giving my older daughter a chance to experience it as well.

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 09:45 AM PST

    I can remember renting this from Blockbuster (press F in the chat, y'all) and being so absorbed by it. Discovering that gaming could be more than just twitch reflexes and rote memorization, that so much progression and plot was doable in this medium. It blew me away, and I managed to sweet talk my great-grandmother into getting me this for Christmas. I had to stay home with neighbors while my sister went to London for a band trip to march in a New Years' parade there, but as much as that sucked, it gave me a ton of time to explore Eagleland. Ultimately I have played through the game at least ten times, never staying away more than a couple years. Most recently I went through in 2014 after my wife got me a Retro Duo Portable for Christmas, a truly excellent gift. Life with kids is busy, and I've taken on side jobs as a writer and eBay seller, so I can't get back to it quite as often.

    Fast forward to our girls being born. We waited until our older daughter was about 5 to introduce video games, and only a few minutes a day on weekends. She quickly made it clear she had little to no interest in playing them, but she was quite fond of watching them. Pokémon Red in particular has kept her into it on and off for months. I tried her with Saturday Morning RPG on the Switch out of curiosity, and she loved it. Once that was done, I thought of other games in that vein and this seemed a logical next step. Colorful characters, catchy music, simple yet engaging. Even shelled out for a SNES Classic on eBay so the save states would allow for easier pick up and play when our time was not long enough to allow for saveless stretches (and will also work for Super Mario RPG, which would probably be next after this). We started just the other day and so far she's into it. Maybe it will stick with her, and maybe it won't, but either way it's cool to be able to share this experience with another generation and see it through their eyes.

    Has anyone else gotten to share this experience with their younglings?

    submitted by /u/Hustler-Two
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    What do you think the mondo mole was eating?

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 08:56 PM PST

    I updated my starma- I mean Starmannequin to actually look silver!

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:53 PM PST

    Mother 3 images with Earthbound music (Part 2)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 12:35 PM PST

    Is Oddity going to be accepted as a new mother game (would love opinions)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 08:36 AM PST

    What I have seen so far is that people are integrating travis as one of the "mother protags" and just all around excitement. So this begs the question, is Oddity going to be considered a mother game by the community? I personally think it should be, because we might not get another mother game, and something of this quality should be tremendously rewarded by the fan base. That's just my two-cents though

    submitted by /u/EssentialOilAndMemes
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    I just beat Earthbound for the first (and only) time

    Posted: 15 Jan 2020 07:00 PM PST

    Before I begin, I want to say that I've been wanting to play this game for the looooooongest time. I want to say around ~2008 was when I really wanted to start playing it but it wasn't available on the Wii virtual console at the time. Years passed and when it was made available, I just didn't have time to play it. (College, and life and what have you happened to me.) I finally bought the game for the 3ds around Christmas time and spent the past 3 weeks completing it.

    Oh my God, it's everything I thought it would be and more. It's one of the greatest games I've ever played hands down and I don't even like RPGs. I found myself getting immersed in the world and the experience I got was one that was ultimately wholesome and oddly spiritual. I don't think I've ever had a game actually make me look for deeper insight into myself. I am truly blown away that a game can do that.

    You can tell that this game was made with love. The fact that the game makes YOU feel important throughout many parts just shows how beautiful of a work of art this is. This may sound like a strange thing to say, but I'm never going to play it again. I'm afraid that repeated playthroughs will sour my initial experience and I want to hold what I experienced here in a special place in my heart. I don't think this game was made to be played multiple times, but that's just me. Anyway, here's to a fantastic and life changing experience. Cheers 🥂

    submitted by /u/FattSloppy
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    Absolutely Safe Capsule Opener

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 10:33 AM PST

    Who said such a thing could not be invented?

    submitted by /u/RangoTheMerc
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    Pollyanna jazz cover by Jazztick

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 01:21 PM PST

    Mother 3 images with Earthbound music (Part 1)

    Posted: 16 Jan 2020 02:32 AM PST

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