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    Sunday, December 1, 2019

    EarthBound / MOTHER Does this happen to anyone else?

    EarthBound / MOTHER Does this happen to anyone else?

    Does this happen to anyone else?

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 09:10 AM PST

    It’s December now, so i decided to make Santa Claus! Also happy Clausmageddon.

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 11:06 AM PST

    Mother 2 x Persona 4

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:45 PM PST

    A Twitter thread containing newly uncovered EarthBound 64 info

    Posted: 01 Dec 2019 12:56 AM PST

    Mother 3's Story in the villians' perspective.

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 09:49 PM PST

    Prologue: Playable Characters: Claus, Lucas

    It stars with Claus waking up, Hinawa tells him to dress up before playing. Afterwards he plays with the dragos when Lucas comes. Then the mole cricket fight plays. Afterwards Hinawa sends a letter to flint...

    Chapter 1: Playable Characters: Claus, Piggymask (The one in Lydia's house), Generic Pigmask, Hinawa, Lucas

    Claus starts on Alec's house with Hinawa and Claus. They go through the mountain while avoiding most hostile animals. Before passing though, a Drago with some weird look attacks them killing Hinawa. The drago the pushes Lucas and Claus to a river. Then we switch persoectives to the Piggymask! He starts on sunshine forest preparing to burn the place. He does this alongside the generic pigmask who are both forced to do it. Piggymask does not want to do it, but is pushed by his companion and Fassad to do it. Afterwards they fight some animals trying to defend their forest. They capture an animal who they then turn into a chimera. It's then when they cross paths with Flint, Boney, and Duster. They are too afraid to fight so they turn on their newly created chimera to attack them, they then run away on their ship. A cutscene plays when the villagers of Tazmily find Lucas and Claus. Flint learns about Hinawa's death, which made him go in a rampage. Next morning Claus wakes up, he leaves Lucas and brings an "Apple" to flint. Afterwards he seeks into the sunshine forest to get to the mountain. He finds the Mecha-Drago, but he "dies" in his attempt at fighting it alone.

    Chapter 2/3: Playable Characters: Fassad, Salsa, Piggymask, generic pigmask.

    Chapters Stars like Chapter 3 with Fassad and Salsa. It goes like the normal chapter 3. It the shifts perpective, this time to Piggymask. He is commanded to infiltrate Osohe Castle with other pigmask. They clear the area of creatures and ghosts and send their technology to find the egg. Then they find Duster, Kumatora, and Wess. We switch to Fassad's point of view, then we see him and salsa pulling the handle that drained the water in Osohe Castle. The chapter ends with a cutscene where Duster hides the egg from Osohe Castle.

    Chapter 4: Playable Characters: Masked Man, Fassad.

    Three years have passed since the events of Chapter 2/3. Claus is shown being transformed into a cyborg by the pigmask army, then we see the shadow of Porky as he admires his new slave. We start to see how the pigmask army changed Tazmily Village. The Masked Man is given instructions to command in the construction of the Thunder Tower and club Titiboo. The Masked Man uses the power of PK Love to capture animals to turn them into Chimeras. The pigmask notices Lucas and Boney, but hey decide to ignore them until further notice. Meanwhile Fassad is giving speeches about the Happy Boxes, it's then when Wess tries to attack him, however he is again easily stopped. The pigmask see how Wess tells Lucas to look for Duster on the DCMC concert, but they ignore it to not ruin their reputation on the village (What can they loose anyways...).

    Chapter 5: Playable Characters: Masked Man, Fassad, Pork Trooper.

    As the fierce pork trooper leaves Club Titiboo he is sent to watch over the workers at the Clayman Factory. He then decides to watch over the Highway to check if everything is running fine as requested by both Fassad and the Masked Man. He find Lucas (Mistaking him for the Masked Man), and he helps him a bit. Afterwards they crash and then the Pork Trooper realizes that he is Lucas, and then he battles him and his team. He looses and then heads to Thunder Tower to get all his gear while also calling Fassad and the Masked Man about the incident. He then encounters them once again trying to climb the tower, and thus he begins another battle that he again looses. Fassad sees them and starts chasing them. Masked Man arrives in the Mother Ship when Fassad calls him after him and Lucas end up in a death end. Fassad slips off his Banana and falls down..

    Chapter 6: Playable Characters: Masked Man, Piggymask, Fassad, Interpretor.

    Fassad tells Porky about the seven needles and how they can give him absolute power. He tells them about how those who know PK Love can pull the needles. Porky then looks at the Masked Man with a grin and tells him to pull the needles. Fassad revealed the location of Aeolia's Needle, and as Fassad was going to tell them the location of the rest porky stops him and says that it will be like a kid's treasure hunt. Masked Man and Piggymask berzerk right through Osohe Castle and pull the first needle without thinking it twice, killing Aeolia in the process, he leaves his phone behind so the Masked Man does not know about Doria's Needle, but the pigmask on the Chimera Factory do know so they capture Salsa and Samba to open the door with the iconic dance... They fail though...

    The Masked Man and Piggy Mask go into the mountains to find another needle, while Fassad pretends to not know the location of the other needles, but he tells the pigmasks that it is near a hot place. Piggymask suffers an injury when climbing the mountain and falls down... Masked Man left him. The Masked Man finds the needle and decides to bring a powerful Chimera to defend it. He then pulls Lydia's Needle. He then sees Lucas and his crew, but he escapes and commands the Chimera to attack Lucas' Team.

    Some Pigmasks found a notebook in Phrygia's Shell and find out the locations of the other needles while also trying to find the needle at the Volcano. They find Duster and they tied him alongside some Mr. Saturns. Fassad alongside the interpretor catch up to Lucas and crew. They have a fight in which Fassad lost. With the notebook, Masked Man knows where Mixolydia's Needle is, so they try to set up a bait where they guard the Needle until Lucas comes. After Lucas defeats the barrier trio, the pigmask attack them letting the Masked Man pull the needle.

    With the notebook, the army knows the location of Ionia's Needle, so they go to Chupichpyoi Temple to pull it. However, they can't access the location. It's at this moment when Lucas catches him and they all fight. Masked Man looses and he escapes.

    Chapter 7: Playable Characters: Masked Man

    The Masked Man is at New Pork City. With Leder captured he decides to find the last needle. Fassad then tells the Masked Man that the needle is under the city, which Porky tells them to wait for Lucas because it would make it fun. They did not knew that they would not hear Fassad ever again. Porky taunts everyone at the tower, and then shuts down the final DCMC concert. Lucas start to arrive at the 100th when Porky has a speech, then he informs that they "just" found the last needle, which then everyone starts going there. The Masked Man arrives and is ready to pull the last needle, he then notices how the team defeated Porky, he doesn't care until Lucas arrives. After an intense emotional battle, the Masked Man remembers he was Claus all this time, and then after seeing what he was done after all this time... He decides to fire a lighting bolt at Lucas knowing how it would reflect at him, he gives his final words to Lucas, and then he dies seeing his brother.

    This is Fanmade, I tried to make it as accurate as possible so leave some corrections about the story please.

    submitted by /u/Ibajh12
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    Aight I’m have a great

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 04:31 PM PST

    Any new Earthbound rom hacks?

    Posted: 30 Nov 2019 06:35 PM PST

    I been searching for a good rom hack to play, randomizers dont really interest me that much anymore, and i think i played most of the old hacks, soo any new rom hacks come out recently?

    submitted by /u/Sans_is_Ness1
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