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    Wednesday, May 27, 2020

    EarthBound / MOTHER A tribune to save frogs

    EarthBound / MOTHER A tribune to save frogs

    A tribune to save frogs

    Posted: 27 May 2020 07:43 AM PDT

    The one famicom cartridge I own.

    Posted: 27 May 2020 05:23 AM PDT

    Just Finished My Kumatora fanart!!

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:45 PM PDT

    Day #5 of photoshopping Mother series characters: Negative Man

    Posted: 27 May 2020 12:10 PM PDT

    Does anyone know where this insert comes from, I’ve been told it’s Nintendo power but not issue 74, that’s a different one

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:30 AM PDT

    Mother 3 - Happy Town? (Piano cover)

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    Sorry the meme is kinda poorly made, I tried

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:20 PM PDT

    EB64 Darker???

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:57 AM PDT

    I've read that Earthbound 64 was intended to be way way darker than the Mother 3 we got. Does anyone know any info on that? Or theories?

    submitted by /u/lukekavanagh
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    Thought y'all might enjoy this

    Posted: 27 May 2020 09:59 AM PDT

    Question for anyone who is "awakening" during these time

    Posted: 27 May 2020 11:44 AM PDT

    I am 34 and my past with the game can be considered too coincidental. It reaches further into my growth than I knew at certain points. But it's clear these days that earthbound is playing out in real life and definitely in my own. And probably more ironic in a sense, but I found my twin flame last year, physically and connection wise it's Paula and ness. I've held back on speaking on this, cuz I simply don't even know where to do so, or do it properly. But, has anyone else had a similar experience, or spiritual connections from earthbound?

    submitted by /u/crfixcrss
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    Pollyanna comic discussion

    Posted: 26 May 2020 11:57 PM PDT

    Do you guys think it'll be fully translated? And where will the whole mother project go? The whole thing seems to be related to the plethora of new Nintendo stuff that's apparently coming out this year, and it seems that there may be a direct in June. What if the whole Hobonichi Mother Project just leads to the mother trilogy, or perhaps full remakes of the any of the games? My personal theory is that sadly, the comic won't be translated, but we might just get some playable version of any of the mother games with a reveal possibly in June? This would also make sense as June is usually e3 time so it makes sense that Nintendo has been planning this for a while, and e3 being cancelled still won't put a dent in their plans. But what're your guy's opinions on it? I'd honestly like to know what thoughts you guys have on the Hobonichi Mother Project and where it'll go, or if the Nintendo direct will happen, what with coronavirus and such.

    submitted by /u/RishTheFish27
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    probably not

    Posted: 27 May 2020 02:56 AM PDT

    New things I noticed/forgot on this playthrough so far

    Posted: 26 May 2020 09:25 PM PDT

    1. Paula has an older sister (?). After you save Paula, if you go into the preschool, she will cook your favorite meal for you. EDIT: Gonna revisit and update.
    2. The lone Mr. Saturn that lives in Happy Happy Village. I know he lets you in his house later on in the game but I forgot what event triggers this.
    3. A different message when you try to receive your order from Mach Pizza while you are riding a Bus.
    submitted by /u/jeffy05
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    What do you guys interpret Giygas as? (SPOILERS!)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 05:45 PM PDT

    What is Giygas?

    Some people say you fight a Concept / Idea.

    Then there's the Fetus theory.

    What do you think the swirling mass of Red and Black actually is? Something Physical? Pure PSI?

    My theory/interpretation: Giygas became Evil itself, a concept, an idea of darkness, the screaming red-torn apart "faces" are not faces but the souls of the damned condensing into one entity, too much power with no mind to control it.

    The Souls of the damned swirl around, forming "faces" that collide into eachother, then deform and reform once again.

    Giygas could not exist in The Cave Of The Past, when The Capsule is turned off...

    The World breaks away into another dimension, of pure darkness, Giygas's Dimension, the only way he can exist!

    You use prayer to defeat Evil, which i found unique, although it was a hassle to keep Paula alive.

    I would love to hear your thoughts on this!

    submitted by /u/Terraria_lover
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    What does it MEAN? (Probably nothing)

    Posted: 26 May 2020 07:33 PM PDT

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