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    Wednesday, March 31, 2021

    EarthBound / MOTHER No crying until the end

    EarthBound / MOTHER No crying until the end

    No crying until the end


    I knitted a Lucas for a Birthday gift ~


    Earthbound is our game group's "Book Club" Game of the Month!


    Just wanted to let everyone know that we have a video game "book club" and this month we are doing a scheduled playthrough of Earthbound. It's a great time to get together and play the game as well as discuss your experience with other fellow gamers! If you're interested or have any questions, feel free to DM me or leave a comment!

    submitted by /u/chrsmhr
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    Books of all 3 MOTHER games came in today B)


    Just realized Giygas is Ninten’s great uncle and I don’t know what’s real anymore


    Since Maria is Ninten's great-grandmother, she must have had a biological child (one of Ninten's grandparents), with Giegue/Giygas being their adoptive sibling. This means that, although not related by blood, the final boss is pretty much just that weird uncle you don't see much.

    In short, I will now exclusively refer to this character as Grunkle Giygas and you can't stop me.

    submitted by /u/TheHodag
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    I tried "improving" Ana. There's almost no difference, but I tried...


    Has anyone tried beating the game with Paula only Praying?


    Been considering this challenge and curious if anyone else has done this. I mean think of it, you basically cause all sorts of randomness to occur and only 2 sections (the beginning and part of the middle) are free of randomness. I think it'd add an extra layer of strategy, especially since you no longer can nuke things with powerful attacks but on the Bright side, you have more money for other things.

    Considered the same with Poo's Mirror but since the devs thought it'd be fun to have him for a third of the game, that'd mostly be a standard playthrough.

    submitted by /u/DukeSR8
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    Pink Cloud Shrine *loose interpretation Earthbound Tribute<3


    Earthbound Dusty Dunes Desert Bus Glitch


    After finishing up Threed, I headed towards the desert because I thought that's how you got through it. I went to the drugstore, upgraded equipment and talked to the construction workers. At this point, I don't believe I saw a traffic jam, but I could be wrong. I did the slots next to the road, then remembering that I WAS suppose to see a traffic jam, I headed back to Threed and took the bus properly... until, it didn't stop in the desert, because there was no traffic jam, it instead went straight to Fourside.

    Going back to the Desert, I can't progress through the cave because I didn't hit the trigger, and i'm not quite sure how to fix this. If anyone has any ideas (as i'd like to keep my game save) then let me know! Thank you!

    submitted by /u/tikipuunch
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