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    Friday, June 25, 2021

    EarthBound / MOTHER W-w-what happened?

    EarthBound / MOTHER W-w-what happened?

    W-w-what happened?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 10:26 AM PDT

    Everdred knits his brow!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:40 AM PDT

    Definitive list of "Earthbound-like" indie games - please help/let me know if I forgot any!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    Here is what I have so far, how many have you played and what do you think of them?




    Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass




    Moon: Remix RPG Adventure




    Boot Hill Heroes


    Grimm's Hollow


    Knuckle Sandwich



    Citizens of Earth

    submitted by /u/saul2015
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    Made a Mother 3 Pixel art! i started it recently and so far i got to chapter 7, didn't thought it was gonna be a *so* good game, anyway any criticism or suggestion would be great!

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:34 AM PDT

    Here we go again, I haven’t touched my favorite games in almost 3 years. I’ll take it slow and enjoy the moment this time. No rush, no grind!

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    PK Starstorm

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 06:01 PM PDT

    I need to play Mother 3 before I die and it’s looking like Nintendo doesn’t have any plans for a localization… do I have to buy a home brew cartridge and a ds or is there any other way?

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:44 PM PDT

    Localized Mother 3 Box Art

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 04:04 PM PDT

    Just a stupid meme I made

    Posted: 24 Jun 2021 07:17 PM PDT

    Earthbound 3, some more drawings of Tortilla, and a drawing of Rake casting some PSI

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 08:06 AM PDT

    Next character for my Earthbound inspired comic. This is the protagonist's older brother Ray.

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 01:35 PM PDT

    Stoic Club, electronica/synthpop tribute to Earthbound

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 05:32 PM PDT

    A longtime friend and I made a synthpop/electronica tribute to Earthbound called Stoic Club.
    We had a falling out and didn't get to finish this, but not before compiling 2 years worth of songs. I've had these files on my computer for a year now, just collecting dust. Would be awesome if you enjoyed it - we dreamed of giving back to the Earthbound community for a long time, and truly labored over this. There are 5 finished demo songs and a few works in progress/choruses that we never got to finish (each work in progress is about Magicant, haha). All the lyrics are typed out on each song though you might have to do some clicking to find them. A lot of lyrics were taken right from the script, or created with the Earthbound enthusiast's heart in mind.

    Here's the link to the playlist


    • ꔠơp⋲ ɣơ⊔ ℓơ⌵⋲ i⍭
    submitted by /u/1k_Needles
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    Theory Regarding the Neon Psychedelic Backgrounds

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 02:47 AM PDT

    It's 1:30AM which means the optimal time to think of crazy off-the-wall nonsense. I was thinking about how the backgrounds in battle play into its final battle at the very end.

    I've always thought it was interesting how Giygas and its attacks are imperceptible to the player specifically. When a character gets a Cold, or faints, or when all characters are wiped out, it says their names. However, there is the obvious times the player enters their favorite food--not the protagonist's. The player enters their name. After battle it does not say "Ness's party was victorious," or "Ness and friends" or anything. It says clearly that YOU WON the battle.

    During our coffee breaks with Mr. Saturn and the Tenda, once again we see the bizarre electric rave background present, yet these are the only two times they exist that do not involve combat or strife. I think that these two times are exempt from this theory, in that they simply feel so benevolent, magnanimous and benign that it's insufferable to consider them as the same as the backgrounds during conflict. In both of these coffee breaks, a disembodied voice speaks about Ness, Paula, Jeff and Poo, yet it says clearly many times; the word "you." It's not Ness' sense of humor that kept him going, it's YOU, the player's sense of humor that kept YOU going.

    So what does it mean when, in the final battle, the very background itself flashes when Giygas takes damage? Let's rewind a few steps and consider The Devil's Machine. In order for Giygas to function, it must be housed within a machine which lenses its powers and perception into a lesser-dimension. And what is burned into the closed, yet all-seeing eye? Ness' face. Not the player, but Ness. As though Giygas has been looking at Ness the entire game up to this point through bright lights that have seared its iris to be scarred by Ness' face. And what is causing all the animals, cars, signs, paintings, coffee cups and police to do these things? Giygas. What is present every time there is conflict? The mesmerizing backgrounds.

    The Devil's Machine existing in the ancient past would theoretically mean it does exist in the present time where most of the game is played. So Giygas had existed for an unknown--though likely-ostentatious--amount of time. So why wait until Ness is this age to destroy him? The Apple of Enlightenment informed the Starmen of the prophecy that this would happen. Of all times, why try to destroy the child now?

    The meteor that fell was possessed of two things: Zexonyte, and Buzz-Buzz. The latter explains he himself is from the future, and chose this moment of all times, to crash a meteor upon a hill next to Ness' house. He chose this moment, knowing that the meteor would have cooled down enough to retrieve the Zexonyte when it was needed. This material is described by Dr. Andonuts as being quintessential to making the Phase Distorter function. And it existed in what was evidently either a craft, or a beacon for Buzz-Buzz to "beam down" towards.

    Now what do we see when activating the Phase Distorter 3? A black ring pulsing from the center of the screen. When using the Phase Distorter 1, it simply phases-out-and-in again. When using the third, however, a black ring begins to emit itself, growing rapidly in its intensity. This same ring is what we see when presented with a critical line of text which is the underpinning crux of all of this:

    " You cannot grasp the true form of Giygas' attack."

    At this point the game requires Paula to pray, and in the end, it is the prayers of the player which defeat Giygas. In this process, when Giygas receives damage, the background flashes. Throughout the game, we attack enemies and they flash. Here we see the background itself is the adversary. Each time Giygas is destroyed, it recapitulates itself in a less-stable state. While we cannot discern Giygas' means of attack, we can still perceive Giygas itself in some tangible form; it's the background.

    When it attacks, all we see is a black ring. Yet we can understand it as a transdimensional attack as it is partly perceptible to the player (just not its true form), yet affects and influences Ness and his friends. This same black ring was seen by us, the player, when activating the Phase Distorter 3. Possibly Giygas hyperventilating in sheer panic? Possibly trying to use its imperceptible attack on Ness and his friends during their time travel and missing repeatedly?, growing more-and-more frantic with every missed shot?

    So it seems reasonable to me to say: the backgrounds we see during all combat portions are a representation of Giygas throughout the entire game. The only two exceptions are the coffee breaks. So who is speaking to the player during those moments? I dunno... maybe it's Queen Mary.

    Whether any of this is accurate or intentional, I dunno and won't try to claim it is. Just an idea that popped into my head as I'm stargazing this morning. Seemed fun to at least consider. ;x

    submitted by /u/OberonPrimeGX
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    Sooo I’m cancelling the musical

    Posted: 25 Jun 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    Update to my previous post: so apparently Sony owns the rights to the earthbound ost because they sold it on cd and it's in their archives. And they have content ID on it sooooo yeah I'm not working on it anymore because of that :(

    submitted by /u/thefrostappleyt
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