• Breaking News

    Sunday, January 26, 2020

    EarthBound / MOTHER Hey, thanks for the support with my last post! Here's a porky skin I also made

    EarthBound / MOTHER Hey, thanks for the support with my last post! Here's a porky skin I also made

    Hey, thanks for the support with my last post! Here's a porky skin I also made

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 08:33 AM PST

    My buddy’s new tattoo

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:07 PM PST

    Pork Trooper Fight Remade in HD made by me

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 05:07 AM PST

    Earthbound invented lofi hip hop to study to

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:07 PM PST

    Some custom boxarts I made for the trilogy, featuring locations from each game.

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 02:37 PM PST

    Brand new

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:50 PM PST

    in mother 3 does dp have intrest

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 04:40 PM PST

    I would check my account and the number and it increased immensely

    submitted by /u/milkwalkerrr
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    I had an idea

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:54 PM PST

    What is the saddest moment in mother 3?

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 03:55 PM PST

    Mine would be when Lucas sees his moms spirit in the sunflower field.

    submitted by /u/FurryMaster15
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    The World of Mother. Lineart and watercolor drawing.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:25 PM PST

    Mother 3 - The Masked Man Cosplay short

    Posted: 26 Jan 2020 06:13 AM PST

    Just happened.

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 08:37 PM PST

    "one time in magicant" an old piece i did a while ago

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 07:46 PM PST

    My first experience with Mother / Earthbound

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 11:12 PM PST

    Their was a post on this Reddit which asked for memories playing Earthbound, as you can probably tell I got pretty into my story. =-P But I thought I would post it here as well to see if any of you share a similar experience to me. For everyone else I thank you for sitting through my nonsense, and here's a link to the original post ( https://www.reddit.com/r/earthbound/comments/etr5xr/what_are_your_fondest_memories_of_earthbound/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x )

    And with that,

    Here's my story...

    As a kid I, like many others, only knew Ness from Smash Bros. However, being the curious child I was it didn't take long for me to realize that maybe the internet could tell me just what "Earthbound" was. Apparently my dad was pretty familiar with the game, and even HAD IT when he was younger but sadly that cart is long gone. I naturally found the game on a still relatively young Wikipedia, (this would be sometime in 2009) and I was curious but what I really wanted was to SEE the game in action. At some point this journey brought me to a site called YouTube.

    Up to this point I mostly just used the site to watch bootleg uploads of the "Super Mario Bros. Super Show" but not this time. What I end up finding was this series of videos on Earthbound, it was like a Walkthrough, but the guy playing it commentated. It was weird, but kind of cool. I experienced many of Earthbounds big moments this way, Brickroad, meeting Paula, Jeff, Poo. I saw Fourside, Saturn Valley, I saw Porkie escape in a helicopter. I even saw the ending, I loved it, I was excited! And being me, for some explainable reason, I wondered.... was their an Earthbound 2?.......

    Very quickly I found it. Another one of these walkthrough things, by the same guy too! Some guy by the username.... Chuggaaconroy. The game was called Mother 3, and from the minute it began I was hooked! I skipped around a lot through Earthbound, only really seeing the highlights, but not here. This world captured me like nothing else had up to that point, and when we got to it, "The Night of the Funeral", something in me knew this was going to be something special.

    As the game continued I was introduced to all sorts of cool characters! I remember Duster was so awesome! He had all of these ninja like tools he used for thieving. He walked around with a limp, a side effect of his crippled leg, and yet he fought by kicking the daylights out of everything! And he hit pretty darn hard too! Then their was Kumatora. A tomboy princess who shot fire from her hands and just owned every scene she was in, she was probably my favorite. =-P Then of course we can't forget the main lead, Lucas. It took a while for him to take the lead, but watching him grow was captivating. To go from a sheltered, timid, emotional child, to someone more confident, more brave, and less reactive was awe inspiring. I kept watching this play though, every episode, never once skipping anything. I remember telling my friends about all of the wacky things that happened, and I remember sitting silent at the emotional moments. This game wasn't a kids game, but it wasn't for adults either, it was like this middle ground. It wasn't so adult that I couldn't enjoy it, but it never once talked down to me either. The darker moments were dark, very much so. This game was sad, but it was also very funny, with lots of jokes, puns, gags and light hearted bits. It was a roller coaster, and one that I couldn't get enough of!

    I will always remember that night. My parents were going out for the night, which meant I would have the computer all to myself for the rest of the night. I had just finished up Chapter 7, and I made it my goal, that night, I was finishing Mother 3. I still remember what I had for dinner that night, and after that I wrapped myself up in a blanket, made a bowl of popcorn, hit the lights, and started the episode. New Pork City was our final location. This sickening parody of New York, Pokie's smug, cherub face plastered over everything. Things in the story were ramping up too, in the sewers we learned the truth about everything that was going on. We had our final battle with the villainous Facade, a cruel, sadistic, monster of a man, and now he was no more. Our heroes were eventually summoned to Pokie's tower, our final trial. After catching the final performance from the band "DCMC", and after a touching reunion, we were off. The 100 floors of the Empire Porkie Building were everything I would come to expect from this game and more. Silly moments like competing in a game show and exploring the restrooms, to heartwarming moments, like going down an almost literal memory lane of Earthbound throwbacks. And of course moments that left me conflicted, a reveal about one of the villains which still shocks me to this day. The tower was everything I could have ever wanted, but little did I know that what lay in wait for me on the 100th floor and beyond, would stick with me for the rest of my life.

    On the 100th floor we finally faced him, Pokie. The conniving little creep from Earthbound. Naturally he didn't show up right away, he sent out legions of robots, all bearing his likeness at us first, but eventually he showed up. He was this withered, husk of a man, he destroyed his body with his own immaturity. We pressed on, making our way to a cave under the tower, were the final mcguffin of the story lay. The final piece we needed to save the world, it was a race, and Pokie was two steps ahead of us. Eventually we caught up and faced off with the time withered old brat. Before the battle began he taunted us, mocked us, and in doing so he did something no other villain before him has ever done to me. He made me mad. He made me livid, his words still etched into my head all of these years later, this wasn't just a fight, this was payback, long do justice. Our journey however was not yet done, we had one last battle to win. I won't spoil the ending here, I think I've said enough as is, but all of these years later, this moment is significant. In all of my life only 2 moments in media have ever made me cry. The ending to "Professor Layton and the Unwound Future" was one, but Mother 3 was the first. I wasn't bawling, nothing like that, but the silent tears streaking down my cheek spoke volumes. All of these years later I still shake at that ending, it's still one of the hardest moments I have ever sat through in a video game, and I still love every moment of it.

    When it was all over, I was in awe. Mother 3 was unlike anything I had ever seen before, and to some degree even since. On an objective level I have played many more RPGs since which are probably better. That tell grander stories, with more satisfying gameplay, and who also have left an impact on me, but nothing has ever hit me quite like Mother 3 did. I feel like Mother 3 changed a lot for me, this wasn't a game, that label isn't appropriate for what I experienced here, no, this was an experience, this was art. To this day Mother 3 remains my favorite game of all time. I have since played all 3 of the other games and I love them all, even Earthbound Beginnings, an under rated gem which gets far too much understandable hate. But Mother 3 was something else all together, talking to my friends, who've finally experience this game in recent years I am glad to see it left a similar impact on them. Watching other Let's plays online, by people like Jirard and Alex from the Beard Bros., Lauren the Flute, and most recently Vinesauce, it almost feels like I experienced this masterpiece all over again. Watching these people, Vinny especially, having the same kind of reactions I had as a kid, is just simply magical. This story is long, probably not what you were looking for, but I couldn't help but share this story, and to try and convey why this meant so much too me. Mother 3 is my favorite game, and it always will be, and if you've never played it I beg you to do so. If somehow playing it is not an option, then I beg you to watch a let's play, do something. The Vinesauce playthrough is my favorite but however you choose to do so I promise you will not regret it. Mother 3 is funny, Mother 3 is heartwarming, Mother 3 is tragic, Mother 3 is a lot of things, but to me, it's a masterpiece, and it's one that I hope is remembered for many years to come.

    submitted by /u/DrVectrex
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    Earthbound - Deep Darkness [HD REMAKE]

    Posted: 25 Jan 2020 06:34 PM PST

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