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    Saturday, April 3, 2021

    EarthBound / MOTHER Would you buy a Mother Amiibo set with these guys?

    EarthBound / MOTHER Would you buy a Mother Amiibo set with these guys?

    Would you buy a Mother Amiibo set with these guys?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 10:57 AM PDT

    An Earthbound inspired monster I made: The Abstract Gnome

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:30 AM PDT

    mother 3 is fun

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 09:47 AM PDT

    Otherworldly Snake

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:31 PM PDT

    Ninten, Lloyd and Ana in Hilda (Netflix) art style

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:04 PM PDT

    Easter Egg I found

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 12:07 PM PDT

    At the very beginning, in Alec's house, you can ram Hinawa and she'll give you Nut Bread. You're welcome.

    submitted by /u/SgtShickamabob
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    YaY I did it I’m in Twoson this is a great day!

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 02:50 PM PDT

    Ness and his friends.

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 03:46 PM PDT

    With the recent Mother Direct, I saw many art styles, and I was wondering, which of these games is your favorite, and is there. Any reason why?

    Posted: 03 Apr 2021 01:23 AM PDT

    Which of these games has your favorite art style?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/KingKaiTan
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    can some one give me a save to earthbound after the master blech fight

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 11:26 PM PDT

    when i was playing earthbound and i was in the waterfall and cant get in in the lab of blech even in 3 minuets.

    submitted by /u/Deep_Finance_6435
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    Mother series timeloop/map theory

    Posted: 02 Apr 2021 09:11 PM PDT

    I'm sure some of you have heard the fan theory of "after mother 3 the world was reset to that of mother 1." But I have a different idea. There is an official map of mother 2's world (google it and it should pop up) made for the guide book if I remember correctly. On this map it only has the locations from mother 2. This means that both America (the setting of mother 1) and the nowhere islands (the setting of mother 3) are gone completely. It could be argued that the islands aren't there because the dragon's magic has stopped people from mapping it or something, but the lack of the mother 1 location is unexplainable. The maps shows most of the globe, there is no way that mother 1's continent or at very least country isn't there. And on the land we do see there is very little unmarked land to say that it just isn't labeled.

    Now here is my theory: The world of mother 2 and the world of mother 1/3 are two completely different ones. Aside from the map thing, this would also explain a weird section of the mother lore. Time. At the end of mother 1, gigyas says he would come back one day to fight ninten again. But when he comes back in mother 2, he doesn't fight Ninten. As we know, between 1 & 2 gigyas goes insane and loses control and sanity. What if he went to the wrong earth to get revenge? Porky in mother 3 confirms that there are multiple universes (that being where he got his army from) so maybe gigyas went so crazy he went to the world of mother 2 instead of 1. This would explain the map being different, and the fact that nobody goes "oh this alien from 10 years ago is back", aswell as Ninten's absence. Now let's try and fit in mother 3. Since the Franklin badge exists, it is likely that it takes place in the world of mother 1 or 2, and since we know the map of two, let's assume the nowhere island are in the world of mother 1. We know the reason that mother 3 happened was porky hopping time and space to conquer worlds and stuff, so maybe he went back to the plant his master had originally planned to have?

    Tl:Dr; Mother 2 happens because gigyas attack the wrong version of earth, and Mother 3 is on the same world as 1.

    submitted by /u/Brocideon-the-god
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