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    Wednesday, May 26, 2021

    EarthBound / MOTHER IT FINALY CAME. i am so happy right now. My first amiibo

    EarthBound / MOTHER IT FINALY CAME. i am so happy right now. My first amiibo

    IT FINALY CAME. i am so happy right now. My first amiibo

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:37 AM PDT

    We all know that this is the best form of transportation

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:55 PM PDT

    I drew characters from Mother 2 and 3 in the style of Mother, including the NES color limitations, which is why some of the colors look odd.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 09:39 PM PDT

    I don't know why ive made 50 smash fighters (doing all) mashed up with Jimmy's dad but here they are on that insta

    Posted: 26 May 2021 08:52 AM PDT

    Perhaps in my dreams one day

    Posted: 26 May 2021 12:10 PM PDT

    This small City looks a bit like Summers

    Posted: 26 May 2021 02:09 PM PDT

    My shy little Ninten. Proud of this one.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:10 PM PDT

    I did a few doodles during exams

    Posted: 26 May 2021 03:39 PM PDT

    A Walk on the Moonside

    Posted: 26 May 2021 01:22 PM PDT

    Cheers from r/Miitopia, glad to see the two communities collaborate.

    Posted: 25 May 2021 05:53 PM PDT

    Best versions including rom hacks for all 3 games.

    Posted: 26 May 2021 04:03 AM PDT

    So looking to play the series for the first time, although unsure about playing Mother 1 from what I've read.

    Mostly looking to play through but with minimal grinding, and just general quality of life stuff. So running and the like.

    I've seen MaternalBound Redux come up frequently for 2, would I be better off playing this or the base game as a beginner?

    Then what about 1 and 3?

    I have emulators available so should be able to play most versions.

    Thanks all.

    submitted by /u/SlappedwithLasagne
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    I re uploaded MOTHER 1+2 album!

    Posted: 26 May 2021 07:24 AM PDT

    I re uploaded MOTHER 1+2 album!

    Disgusted once again by Sony for even removing the Mother 1+2 album. The album (not the in game soundtrack...obviously) has pretty good renditions of popular tracks from Earthbound and Mother

    Here's Pollyanna from this album, if you enjoy, you can check the rest of the tracks at the playlist here


    submitted by /u/Weirdfisher52
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    How interested would you be in a short fan game?

    Posted: 25 May 2021 11:05 PM PDT

    I may or may not be working on a special project. Don't get your hopes up too much though, as I'm definitely not a programmer so I can't offer Nintendo quality but I've had a what I think to be a great idea and would like to create a really short game to convey my idea. How many of you would honestly be interested in playing it if I follow through? Just trying to see if it's worth it.

    submitted by /u/skellywampus
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    Mother 3 - Murasaki Forest (Cover)

    Posted: 25 May 2021 08:12 PM PDT

    A Mexican Guy who loves retro

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:09 PM PDT

    My ideas for a perfect MOTHER series remake

    Posted: 25 May 2021 07:10 PM PDT

    I replayed the entire series recently, and decided to come up with a list of everything that I think would benefit these games if they ever got remade. I'll divide this into four sections: General (for the whole series, or just two games), MOTHER/EarthBound Beginnings, EarthBound/MOTHER 2, and MOTHER 3.


    • For graphics, I would love to see it be something like the Link's Awakening Remake crossed with Animal Crossing. That could suit these games really well.
    • I think that MOTHER and EarthBound should be given the menu that MOTHER 3 has. Pressing A will automatically check/talk, and you press Start to bring up PSI, Equip, Goods, and so on. Now, unlike MOTHER 3, I think that opening something with Start should be just like in the original games: textboxes over the actual game, rather than a separate menu screen with unique music and such.
    • Also for MOTHER and EarthBound, get rid of PSI Teleport a and just use B. This might not be the biggest deal, but it'd be nice regardless.
    • Music combos from MOTHER 3 could also be added to the first two, to make battles a bit more interesting and fun (than they already are). That probably wouldn't work very well (for MOTHER especially), because those two games only have a fraction of the amount of battle themes that MOTHER 3 has, but it's still there just in case you wanted it.
    • There's a bit more MOTHER 3 things I'd want to add to the first two, especially in battles. One is having the characters' heads appear over their names when you're controlling them in battle. Another is making the SMAAAASH text and the numbers for damage dealt appear across the screen, over whoever they were done to.
    • Now for shops. In the first two games, you can't see what items do AT ALL when you view them in the shop. But in MOTHER 3, shops are, like the menu, on separate screens and stuff. I want to keep the shop menus and stuff from the first two games the same, but at least have a description of the item and what it does. Also, let me buy more than one of a particular item at once, in all 3 games.
    • Remaster the music in all 3 (obviously).
    • For all 3 games: Let me equip items on certain people from someone else's inventory, so you don't have to awkwardly swap around items and menus when you want to equip stuff on different characters.

    Now for the game-specific stuff.

    MOTHER/EarthBound Beginnings

    • Lower the encounter rate, but not by too much (the 25th Anniversary version proved that lowering it too much COMPLETELY screws up the game's balancing). Balance out the lowered encounter rate by having enemies give you more experience AND more money. The problem with the 25th Anniversary version is that barely encountering enemies means that grinding takes much longer, you don't get nearly enough money to revive and stuff when you die (and you will die a lot, due to this:), and you'll be way too underleveled for the later parts of the game, and any sense of good balancing is thrown out the window. In fact, if you wanted to make the game more like the rest of the series, you could ditch the idea of random encounters altogether and have set enemies be in set locations, like in MOTHER 3, and, to an extent, EarthBound. But the random encounters give the game more of an identity, so I like that better for it.
    • Change "Giegue" to "Giygas," as "Giygas" is his much, MUCH more famous name (and thus won't confuse newcomers), and to stay consistent with the rest of the series.
    • The movement. Keep the sprint button, but do regular 8-direction movement like in EarthBound and MOTHER 3 as opposed to the clunky tile movement. The MOTHER 1+2 version did this, and it's great!
    • Make the battles look like the other games in the series, with the trippy backgrounds and such. Also, on the topic of battles, have HP and PP automatically increase when it increases when you level up. If that's confusing, say you had 10 HP. Then you level up, and you gain 3 HP. Instead of keeping it at 10 and just changing the max amount, automatically increase it to 13 (like many other things, EarthBound and MOTHER 3 do that, and it's really nice).
    • Lastly, add rolling HP to the battles, as well.


    EarthBound/MOTHER 2

    • Change "Pokey" to "Porky," for the same reasons as changing "Giegue" to "Giygas" (it actually makes MORE sense to change this one, as "Pokey" WAS a mistake, after all!).
    • Add a sprint button. This isn't a big deal, but it'd be very nice to have.
    • As I'm sure we all know by now, EarthBound's biggest flaw is the inventory. Each character has 14 spaces, but Ness can only carry sometimes less than half of that because the space is being taken up by countless "Key" items, like the ATM Card, the Sound Stone, the Receiver Phone, the Town Map, etc. Even the other party members have this problem. Jeff is constantly full with mainly broken items. MOTHER 3 added a "Key Items" section to the inventory, which included the items like that. I think that that could benefit EarthBound SO MUCH. Even MOTHER 1 could use it, honestly (Cash Card, Ocarina, Onyx Hook, etc.)!
    • Continuing on the topic of the inventory, if there's a "Key Item" that I don't need after using it for one thing (the Bad Key Machine, for instance [that's a LITERAL key item!]), then just let me fricking throw it away!!! Have it say "you shouldn't throw the ______ away" when I still need it, but if it has no use anymore, I don't want to have to call Escargo Express every single time! Similarly, let me throw away Jeff's broken items if I don't want what he'll turn them into.

    And that's it for EarthBound! Now, on to MOTHER 3...

    I'll be honest, this part of the list took BY FAR the longest time to think of. MOTHER 3 is a game that is, to me, almost flawless. Most complaints I have are just minor nitpicks, or were mentioned in the "General" section of this list. But I'll put as many things as I can think of.

    • Put the Item Guy on the map, so I know exactly where I can find him at any time.
    • Anyone who goes through my post history will find something I put on r/unpopularopinion, where I mention that my biggest (though still fairly small) gripe with the game is the silent protagonist thing. But I wouldn't change that about the game (at least, not for this specific list), because that would require changing the other two games to stay consistent, and it's not really a big deal anyway.
    • In this game, when you die, you lose any items that you used during the situation that you died in. For example, if you used an item during a boss, and then died to the boss, that item you used is gone forever. You have to go buy it again. This can make dying pretty annoying sometimes, especially during the hard bosses like the Fassad battles and the first Masked Man fight. This is one of the very few real, full problems I have with this game.

    So.... yeah! That's everything I can think of. If you have any more suggestions, let me know! What your thoughts?

    submitted by /u/HeroOfTime170
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