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    Wednesday, June 30, 2021

    EarthBound / MOTHER Something is wrong with my Earthbound…

    EarthBound / MOTHER Something is wrong with my Earthbound…

    Something is wrong with my Earthbound…

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 08:09 AM PDT

    [OC] Check Out My EarthBound Design FEELING WEIRD! ��������

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 10:25 PM PDT

    Teddy finished!!

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 11:55 AM PDT

    Ness all grown up by me

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 10:01 AM PDT

    Does Earthbound really have the same kind of humour as the indie games that were inspired by it?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 09:55 AM PDT

    Going through this sub has made me think about the humour that's in Earthbound and what I noticed is, for all the talk about how games like Undertale have a humour that's like Earthbound, I don't see it at all.

    If I could describe Earthbound's humour, it would be that it's a pastiche of American culture from the 50s to the 90s and all of it is played completely straight. It's a sort of satire but in the way that Airplane is a satire where the comedy comes from how serious everyone is acting.

    Compare that to Undertale where the humour is very self-aware. These characters seem to know they're characters and know that they are in a game that you are playing. There isn't a whole lot of sincerity in the game and a lot of things are there "for the meme". I won't say the game is bad or anything but considering this is one of (if not /the/) games that kickstarted this whole "Indie Earthbound" thing we're seeing now, it's not really any different than its derivitives, it just kind of made the biggest splash. Combine that with all the topics of depression and human nature and it just makes me wonder if these people even played Earthbound to begin with and instead, they just played Mother 3 and assumed the rest of the series is like this.

    I feel that if you want to make a game inspired by Earthbound, you have to lose the joke-y self-awareness stuff and allow the characters and their actions to make the humour rather than having one of them say something that might as well be them turning to the audience and winking.

    submitted by /u/Briankelly130
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    Kumatora with a Red Bull jacket, nothing special

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:36 PM PDT

    The pigmask army are starting to become one of my favorite game villains.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:24 PM PDT

    is there a good list somewhere for all the games known to be inspired by Earthbound?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 04:02 PM PDT

    I know the Mother Forever site has a "Mother 4" page for this but it's not ready yet so I was wondering if anyone else has compiled a list like that because I've heard of and played some of them but I wanna know where all the others are.

    while I would be glad to try out anything similar I'm specifically looking for the ones whose developers have explicitly said they were inspired by the series like Undertale or LISA. I think I heard that OMORI, Citizens of Earth, and Jimmy and the Pulsating Mass were also inspired by it, and I know NOYO~! uses the rolling HP counter.

    that being said, I really hope there's enough of them for it to be considered its own subgenre, like Metroidvanias. maybe we could call them Boundlikes. I think I've heard them being called Offbeat RPGs.

    by the way I really hope this is the right place to ask because boy it'd be awkward if it wasn't

    submitted by /u/Queen_Ann_III
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    Is anybody else getting a 404 not found page while trying to look at the new hobonichi merch?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 03:17 PM PDT

    Starman paintings: The first one is the classic starman and the second is the final starman seen on the box art. Spent some time making them look shiny but tbh the backgrounds were the hardest part.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 04:43 PM PDT

    Remix of Pink Shell inspired by Genesis (Specifically Stagnation)

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 12:51 PM PDT

    [spoilers] I finished Mother 3, here's my thoughts

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 02:11 PM PDT

    I usually make these kind of posts when i finish a game that i really loved, i did this for portal 1 and 2 for example, but anyway, as title says, i finished Mother 3 just now some weeks after starting it, i never truly finished earthbound (even if i did some days after mother 3), but i pretty much knew the ending so i decided to just go to the next game in the series.

    Right at the start i loved it, the graphics aged wonderfully and it is just a pleasure to look at, the overall game was really improved and i really liked new combo gimmick which made the combta system more fun.

    One thing that really took me off guard was how alec really broke the 4th wall, right after he explained how to run, he straight up talked to me, the player, without hiding it in anyway, he talked to someone he knew was watching them, and explained how i should save, is funny how before that he also broke the 4th wall but saying stuff like "imagine a B button, and then let it go", like if it didn't have to be too obvious.

    I already knew hinawa was gonna die, but what i really liked was how the game told me it, it didn't try to make everything more family friendly or anything, they literally told flint right in front of Lucas and Claus: "We found a drago's fang inside hinawa's heart, you can take it if you want", then i remembered that this is a mother game and i shouldn't feel shocked about a character dying in a so brutal way.

    When alec introduced the MagyPsys i thought "Wait, how does he knows them? and how can he breaks the 4th wall while the only other characters that can are frogs?" then i saw the MagyPsys were trans and aside from loving it i said "Oh this is why this game doesn't exist in america".

    And here we are at osohe castle, one my favorite part of the game, i loved the atmopshere of the castle, i found fighting with duster and using his many abilities really fun, they really did give him a good balancing for not having pps and being unable to use Pk. The fight with Mr. Passion was really fun too, even if i needed two tries


    After Kumatora joined the party fights really began more fun due to pk, a good ol' pk freeze in the as- i mean, on their back.

    The ending of chapter 2 was really interesting, but chapter 3 began to make me understand how this game has much more mature themes than earthbound does, i knew about sals already, and that this game had animal abuse among its themes, but seeing how fassad and pigmasks could threat salsa and his girlfriend broke me, forcing salsa to come with fassad or otherwise they would have probably killed samba was just insane, earthbound was crazy most times, but this game was crazier so far.

    And after rescuing salsa from fassad, and hearing kuma swear (at least in the Italian translation i'm playing, yes i'm italian) we finally get to chapter 4

    As said, i played with an Italian fan translation, the text means: \"What a bastard! he really is a piece of sh*t!\"

    Did i say Mother 3 had much more mature themes? well once arrived to chapter 4 i began to realize it even more, fassad completely changed tazmily, if before it was a little village with lovely citizens, it is now a much bigger city, with a money system, shops, happy boxes in every people house, but most importantly:

    c a p i t a l i s m

    Oh yeah pigmasks also destroyed old houses like flint and hinawa's houses, places where Lucas and the now missing Claus grew up, we really can say capitalism destroyed a 12 year old life.

    But anyway, we're finally playing on the side of Lucas and Boney, after different hours of playing as flint/duster, after exploring tazmily: Capitalism edition i went to the train tunnel, on my way to club titiboo, after working at the fabric pushing claymen, i finally get to club titiboo, thanks to violet/kuma we get in and can finally find duster, now being part of dcmc without his memory.

    The fight against Fierce Pigmask in the highway after the fabric (forgot if it had a name sorry) was pretty hard, but after some levelling i beat him on my second try

    \"The fierce pigmask blocked your way!\"

    And after throwing fassad down a tower, chapter 5 ends, and the best chapter of the game begins

    Lucas falls in a sunflower camp, not knowing where i am, only knowing boney is there too, i follow him, while he barks at something and runs away



    But then, something in the distance can be seen, it is a ghost, of someone, and that someone, is hinawa, there are no dialogues in this chapter, everything is told with the music, the landscape, the sky and the clouds, is only Lucas, boney, and the spirit of the lost hinawa, then, after reaching the end of the field, Lucas jumps in the direction of Hinawa, then falling on a hay bale placed by alec and wess.

    At the start of chapter 7, we see the mgypsy ionia trapped on a bridge while others look at her. After learning the whole history with the 7 needles and the dragon under the islands, i feel like the game is gonna be much more like earthbound was, a difference i felt is that there was no main objective since the start, but the game constantly changed, and don't get me wrong, i really liked it, i liked how the party changed, first flint, then duster, then duster and kuma and then lucas and boney.

    And here it comes the lab part, i found this part of the game pretty disturbing for some reasons, it could be the fact that there's a literal monster that with only touch can instantly kill you and while you explore the lab you will hear it killing pigmasks and hearing them scream, oh yeah there's andonuts and salsa too here.

    Who will win: a literal monster created by the best scientist of this world, or a 12 year old pk boi who can press A to run


    Lydia's part is pretty short so i think i'll just skip it, but anyway, after coming back from snowcap mountain in a... fridge? for some reason, oh wait, this is mother 3, the same game where a characters dies in the most brutal way possible, anyway, i find a a letter in a bottle saying with this weird font: "ⴥꭱơᨓ ꔠ⋲ꭱ⋲", without thinking twice, i follow the letter instructions because there's one thing that i want, and it is going to saturn valley.

    \"ⴥꭱơᨓ ꔠ⋲ꭱ⋲\"

    And after riding a coffe table...

    I finally reached the saturn valley of this game

    I then proceed to save duster and some mr saturns trapped by pigmasks, seeing those poor mr saturn being trapped with their own hmm, staple?, makes me feel pretty sad. This game talks about animal abuse and aliens like beings with cat whiskers and 2 giant eyebrows on their eyes who talk with a font made straight up with drugs abuse

    \"Where's the needle?!, where's it?!\"

    After saving duster i'm on my way to the next needle, and after fighting some weird enemy (not that weird enemies in this entire franchise are something new) such as Mrs. Lava, i get to the needle

    Here it is, saturn's valley needle, wait, why do i hear someone's laughin-


    Oh, is fassad. Jokes aside now that i think about it, this boss fight is really interesting, fassad literally removed parts of his body to become stronger, just to end Lucas's story, he took apart his ability to speak for being unstoppable, much like what the rest of pigmasks are doing, creating unstoppable animals from normal ones.

    \"You encountered Neo Fassad!\"

    But here we are in the oceans, this part was really weird, because of, yes, you know why


    This part was pretty annoying due to needing much oxygen, but at the end i fought Master Eddy

    \"Master Eddy attacked you!\"

    He then stole our items and got transported to the south island, and i got many screens here in this part

    I was excpeting many things from this game, but not to take literal drugs and beginning to see Lucas dead brother.


    Now there are some of my favorite dialogues from the game, even if is mother game, i still think these dialogues are really crazy, i'm obviously talking about the mailboxes found in this island, i'll translate some of them because of Italian translationa and bla bla bla.

    "Inside the mail box, there was infinite darkness"

    "Inside the mail box there were many screams"

    "Inside the mail box there was nothingness, nothingness came out"

    "Someone looked at you from the inside of the mailbox"

    The mailbox were creepy, but what about npcs?
    "Everyone wants to stone you, spit on you, and make your life hell", damn Claus we played with dragos like 2 weeks ago, even if it was 3 years ago.


    These dialogues and texts made me feel like this is what Lucas thinks of himself, maybe this is not the correct interpretation, but it seems that Lucas almost hates himself, thinking is his fault if Claus died, this may be wrong, and those dialogues aren't made by Lucas minds, but considering he's pretty much the leader of the group, i think is possible to imagine that we see the world with his eyes.

    "You're not a princess, nobody loves you" this one dialogue make me think we maybe see the story witht the eyes of every character, in this case kumatora maybe, still not sure, just a personal thought i wanted to share.


    Anyway barrier trio time, this boss made me grind a little, but it was... interesting.

    But here it comes, the best boss in the game, this game has different themes:
    Animal abuse

    loosing your mother

    And then they decided to talk about depression too, how?

    By making a yelllow figure with legs and arms depressed, and it deals only 1 hp

    \"You just encoutered Negative Man!\"

    What can i say, i love this game.

    After defeating a yellow depressed man, here we go with the 6th needle.

    This is the beginning of the end, we're almost at the 7th needle.

    A man then just asks me, or better, forces me, to go to the new city, new pork city, what really took me off guard was that he said without hiding it or anything, that Porky Minch asked for it, i sadly already knew Porky was behind everything, but i didn't thought the game was gonna tell me it in this way.

    After exploring the sewers of New Pork City, here we are again, once again a fight with fassad, and this time his hearth is full of hate, this man really does hate us.

    And here we are with Natural killer Cyborg, kinda already knew about this boss, but never really saw it, what can i say, the music was a banger.

    And after that, the real ending begins, porky's pokies bots wants to destroy us, but i wont let them, i would upload some images but i reached the 20 images limit.

    And then, we discover the truth, the masked man is in reality Claus, he wasn't dead, but he allied with Porky.

    But it was at this point, Lucas and Claus hears Hinawa's voice

    \"Hinawa's voice can be sadly heard\"

    And after minutes of pure agony, with Claus not being in himself anymore, and keeping attacking his own brother, while Lucas can't attack him but only healing, Claus finally gives up, and lets his brother saving the world.


    The world gets saved, the logo gets restored, and the player is able to talk with the game's member, hearing kumatora saing she cried for all of this really broke me, i didn't cry during the finale, but i almost did, this game was pure magic, is sad to know only japan officially released this game, while us in europe and america can only use fan translations like i did, but i love how the community is still active to this day, making fan games and sharing their stories like in this long post i made. I should know decide if i should or not play earthbound beginnings, but for the moment i think i played enough mother games, i should maybe play something new, you can suggest me something, but for the rest, thanks for reading, and have a nice day.

    \"The End\"

    submitted by /u/Tommaso9882
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    This is gonna be going around every subreddit.

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 07:00 AM PDT

    Cognitive dissonance physical edition somewhere?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 09:56 AM PDT

    I have heard that there exists a physical edition of Cognitive Dissonance that was sold in an Earthbound-related event some years ago. I don't know if that is true or not but I am curious about it, and no matter what I search on google, I cannot find any picture. Does someone have any more information about it?

    submitted by /u/Virdi-22
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    What's next?

    Posted: 30 Jun 2021 01:29 PM PDT

    I've played Earthbound as well as Mother 3. Should I even play Mother/Earthbound beginnings? I've heard they're very similar. I was also wondering if anyone could point me towards any good romhacks because I love the series and want more, because we all know Nintendo won't be any help with that.

    submitted by /u/The_Sacred_Stoner
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    I finally beat Mother 3 for the first time after going on and off with it for years and I can finally say...

    Posted: 29 Jun 2021 09:30 PM PDT

    ...Yeah, Nintendo is not gonna sell us this one. It's too..."different" from Earthbound.

    submitted by /u/PsychoBalloons
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