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    Wednesday, January 27, 2021

    EarthBound / MOTHER Pollyanna

    EarthBound / MOTHER Pollyanna


    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 05:58 AM PST

    Earthbound on the Game and Watch

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 12:38 PM PST

    MOTHER MUSIC REVISITED can now be streamed on Spotify!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 03:19 PM PST

    City Zoo by WatanoLemonT

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 04:10 PM PST

    Bald Flint

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:00 AM PST

    hey wait a minute

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 06:15 PM PST

    As an extremly depress person, doing those was very relaxing! I love them and want to do Lucas tomorow! :D

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:39 PM PST

    Mother 3 Review (Spoilers inside)

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:16 AM PST

    The earthbound is a pretty dang good rpg series and can relate to other franchises like zelda, mario, and pikmin. The first is the standard one and the second is the better but different one. So based on these franchises, the third one in the mother series should be the best, right? After playing through the game and losing all my progress more then I like to admit, I will set out to find the answer almost everyone in this subreddit knows.


    - The story is really depressing, and It keeps me engaged with these wacky and cool characters

    - Also, the characters, man these characters are great

    - This game happens to be the hardest and most strategy inducing game in the trilogy

    - The bosses are a huge upgrade. Instead of just "Oh spam psi rockin to win", it makes me use tactics In never used in earthbound. You now have to know when to use psi shield, shield, heal, and attack, and buff!

    - The normal enemy encounters are great too!

    - For a gba game the music is amazing!

    - I love how chapter 5 is literally just the sunflower field. It was my favorite scene in the whole game.

    - Going more in depth about the story, Lucas loses most of his loved ones, with only his dog and his dad as his only family left, and learns about the power of friendship without being cheesy as the fate of the world depends on it.

    Cons (This is gonna hurt me alot):

    - You lose rope snake which is sad because I love rope snake

    - When standing infront of salsa's or girl monkey's face, it will cover so you cant see their cute monkey faces :(

    - Claus and Hinawa die :(


    Legitimately the only problems I have with the game are nitpicks. This game, this game is near perfection. Might I say the closest to perfection gaming has ever gotten to. Come on nintendo, release mother 4, we are waiting!

    Rating: 10/10, Masterpiece

    Ranking: S++++++++++++

    submitted by /u/Bacon_noob_on_reddit
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    No check command in Earthbound?

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 02:15 PM PST

    I purchased a copy of earthbound on ebay, and it just came in the mail. It seems legit to me, however I noticed that the check command does not appear in the menu, does anyone know if there is a reason for this?

    submitted by /u/iamemptyinside69
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    Finally got my translated GBA Carts

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:19 PM PST

    The Earth Bound (NES) documentary is offering digital rental codes and stickers to people who buy tickets and don't go to this week's screenings in Miami, Florida!

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 09:09 AM PST

    Day 1. My Mind When I Need to Study

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 07:57 AM PST

    [HELP] Mother 8 Melodies Organ Cover

    Posted: 27 Jan 2021 08:30 AM PST

    Around 7-8 years ago I used to listen to an organ cover of 8 Melodies, but I can't seem to find it anymore.

    It was around 6 minutes long and had a decent number of views. The thumbnail was pixel art of a white ocarina on a grey background. The video seems to have vanished, maybe just privated, but I still have some hope that it's still out there. If anyone has seen this cover or maybe has a link to it, please let me know!

    submitted by /u/kn1ghtbyt3
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    A random sketch featuring Jeff

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 11:24 PM PST

    Regarding Mother 3's original story

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:46 PM PST

    All we know about it was that it was going to be way darker and the only evidence we have of it is what little we've seen of EarthBound 64, unused assets like Hinawa's original death scene, the unused nightmare version of the final boss, and evidence of a more violent series of story events that may have led to a bad ending.

    My question is, would you have liked this version of the story more or less than what we have?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/Bob_Billans
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    Had to learn a new video editor for this so it took like 2 hours, but it was (possibly) worth it

    Posted: 26 Jan 2021 08:50 PM PST

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