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    Monday, March 2, 2020

    EarthBound / MOTHER And if you don’t provide it she stalks you

    EarthBound / MOTHER And if you don’t provide it she stalks you

    And if you don’t provide it she stalks you

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 11:28 AM PST

    Happy happy...

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 10:24 PM PST

    Mother 1 needs a remake so badly

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:43 PM PST

    Imagine An AU Where Ness Accepted Porky's Apology And The Events Of Mother 3 Never Happened

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 02:13 PM PST

    [spoilers] don’t name the Mother 3 characters after your family (see comment)

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:06 PM PST

    There was an attempt...

    Posted: 02 Mar 2020 12:25 AM PST

    I started playing earthbound(mother2) again!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:36 PM PST

    I'm university students in Japan. I have played it when i was a child. Then i was so excited and learn many things. For example, don't judge people by only appearances and evaluations of others.(i learned it from Frank, Apple kid and Orange kid) Earthbound become one of my favorite video games.

    I grown up. By the time i realized, i already was 20 years old. Recently, I started playing it again because I'm bored and got nothing to do(my part-time jobs are all canceled due to Corona virus) Somehow, now, its world seems different for me. I think I played from adult's perspective without realizing, maybe. I found some funny lines include irony to adults. And many quotes which i couldn't understand when i was child moved me.

    In this world, there are so many kind of people. Different people has different feelings and thinking. Dad send money enough to Ness. Mom always extend a warm welcome. They watch over Ness without interfering. Some adults are kind like them, but other adults are cunning and dirty. They make children light and think child can't do anything.I think It's like real life.

    And this video game reminds me of my childhood. For example, riding bicycles was so much fun that i smiled. L size pizza was delightful when you eat with friends. Ness's adventure makes my heart warm.

    This masterpiece gives me different emotions from when i was child. I'll play it again when i become mother! I will be able to get completely different emotions. It's so interesting!

    Earthbound has warmth like MOTHER.I love Earthbound!

    submitted by /u/MozzarellaHero
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    Chapter 4 easy grinding?

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 08:17 PM PST

    I just started chapter 4 and am wondering if there is an easy way to grind

    submitted by /u/Isaac_From_Isaac
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    Umm.... I beat mother 3... yay...? Kinda sorta upset, but uh great game!

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 05:47 PM PST

    Last september I started this game and just today I finally beat it. It was great and I dont regret playing it. The ending left me with a very nice feeling and made me smile the whole time, mostly because I was looking back on my whole journey leading up to this.

    (Starting the game, being amazed by the differences to earthbound, loving the dialogue, then quitting the game a bunch of times in the middle because i really wasnt feeling motivated to complete it, forcing myself to keep playing more and more just so I can finally look at all the sweet mother content I want without getting spoiled, then realizing, while still hating the bosses, that this game still had its great story, I dont know where im going with this.)

    Point is, the ending shocked me and.. the game was just awesome. However its a game that I will probably never play again mostly because I really dont want to go through the repetitiveness again. I also didnt have that much of an emotional impact (only teared up the little bit during chapter 1 and.. nothing tear worthy after that, not even the ending, even though the ending had me really surprised and put me in a weird state, and alot of the game was like that aswell.) But that didnt bother me as much at the time.

    "At the time"

    Here I am back from reading responses to this game and goddamn, I must've really missed something. (Apparently this game was impossible to go through without crying to a lot of people) Throughout most of the day I was pretty depressed and sad that the game didnt really connect with me as it did with others (even more sad than playing the game itself). It makes me sad that when I started this game, I expected to be having moments like the first part of the game. There was even points where I was forcing my self to cry, but nothing. I really tried looking into the text as hard as I can, but....

    Ah well, perhaps this was a dumb post, I just really needed to write about this so I can get it off my head for good. I guess ill just say that mother 3 was a good experience, but it was my least favorite mother game, and I generally like alot other titles alot better than this game. But it was still a really good game, and the feeling of finally beating it was amazing. Satisfying ending

    As of right know Ive spent about an hour making this post, because I went back and forth if should even post this, but whatever, nobody is gonna care anyway.

    submitted by /u/Zeldafan404
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    Ness Stage Arrival in Smash

    Posted: 01 Mar 2020 07:20 PM PST

    I have always been a Ness player in smash bros and every time I start a game I always watch the animation as Ness appears to fly in from the sky and smash into the ground become all covered in ash of some sort before shaking it all off. I am wondering what this is a reference to in the actual games?

    submitted by /u/connaverse
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